Follow me as I dive into the world that is cooking! There will be mishaps, burns and feasts as you watch my progression from college-student fare (pizza rolls and ramen noodles) to (hopefully) goddess of the hearth! I am always open to new recipes and ideas, so feel free to contact me.

January 25, 2013

A Little Perspective

Normally this blog concerns the happenings of my kitchen in Texas.  Today I thought I would break that norm and look at a broader issue.
photo by Dominic Bracco II

Egypt has many social and political problems at the moment, but this is one I had not heard about until Bracco's photographs brought it to my attention:  people cannot afford bread.  This has been one of the most basic forms of nourishment for populations worldwide, and yet the bakers in Egypt are working insane shifts to try to eke out a living off of a product that many cannot afford.

photo by Dominic Bracco II

Not to get all serious on everyone here, but it put a few things in perspective for me.  First off, how fortunate are we to be able to sit at a computer and write about things we don't even need to eat to survive, like S'mores brownies?  While a group of people sleep on the roof of the bakery and work 12 to 24 hour shifts, I have the option of choosing what kind of chocolate I want to put in my cookies.  Secondly, the Egyptian government has a lot of concerns at the moment, and I don't know how long it will be until this becomes a present issue (there were bread riots in 2008).  I wish there was something I could do to help.

I am going to be motherly here for a minute and remind everyone to count their blessings.  Eat your leftovers, or make just enough for that day.  Use up all of those cans and oddities in your pantry before going to the store again to get more.  And be grateful, if you have the option to, for the choices you are able to make freely.

Here's the link to his photos and where I got my resources:

This week:  something healthy to help you recover from the brownies...

1 comment:

  1. A great subject and write up. We must pray for this situation and give thanks for what we do have!
